Monday, January 28, 2013
God is love but Hates Sin
“But the children of Israel committed a trespass regarding the accursed things,…..; so the anger of the Lord burned against the children of Israel.” Joshua 7:1. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! God is a loving God, but He is also an angry God when it comes to sin.
God's anger was raised against d entire camp of Israel. Many assume that since God is a God of love He would never get angry at anything or anybody. God does get angry, He gets angry at sin. He is not only a God of love, but of holiness & justice & wrath.
Beloved, God's holiness cannot tolerate sin. Sin offends and separates us from Him. Because He is holy, He cannot ignore, excuse, or tolerate sin as though it didn't matter. Sin cuts people off from Him, forming a wall to isolate God from d people He loves. He is a good God, but He is also a just God! He cannot just wink at sin and let it pass by unpunished. He will react in wrath against d sins of humanity & those who fail to repent and get in a right relationship with Him will feel d fury of God's wrath in Hell! People who die with their life of sin separate themselves eternally from God. He wants them to live with Him forever in Heaven, but He cannot take them into His holy presence unless their sin is removed. Have u confessed your sin to God, allowing Him to remove it? The Lord can save u if u turns to him today. His anger was released upon Jesus Christ on d cross. Jesus took yo punishments upon Himself. He suffered once & for all so that u will never experience d wrath of God over sin. Why don’t u humbly repent of yo sins & invite Jesus into yo life today? Begin a new walk with God! Those who are saved by d grace of God stand under d umbrella of that Grace, forever sheltered & protected from d terrible wrath of the Almighty. Are u saved by His Grace, or expecting His wrath? Sin is a deadly disease! “For the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23.
Prayer: Father, deliver me from d power of sin, Amen.
Hav a Blessed Monday!
U r saved to safe others!
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