Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bitterness is deadly!!

Ephesian 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
Greetings from Genesis of Hope my dear brothers and sisters. I believe you are all doing well by the grace of God.
Today I would like to share with you a secret of a joyful and  peaceful life. In life we meet different people daily who have the ability to change our lives positively or negatively; and whatever the change they bring in our lives it is our decision to accept that negative change or refuse to accept it.
When people you relate with do you wrong, are you taking it in your heart and have a grudge and bitterness against them? Are you fighting with everyone around you because of the negative emotions in your heart ( bitterness).
The bible reminds us in Ephesian 4:31 that we should get rid of bitterness, rage, slander and all forms of malice.
Most a time we hold onto bitterness refusing to let g, declaring that I will never forgive until I die, "I have forgiven but i will never forget". The question is; was your destiny meant to be diverted by this person? Doctors have found that people who are bitter and have a lot of hatred in their hearts, have much more arthritis than those who are at peace. Similarly, they've discovered that those who have a lot of fear in their minds--worries, tension, phobias, etc.--have a lot more mental trouble and more stomach trouble, as well as more heart trouble. Are you ready for diseases like cancer, heart related diseases, and so many other disease that originates from bitterness? are you ready to waste your life just because someone did you wrong?
My brothers and sisters, life is sweet, don't waste your time, your life holding someone in the prison of your heart not knowing the person in prison is YOU!!
Today decide to let the bitterness go, let the anger, malice, hatred go, it is not worthy it, Yes let it go, let it go, let it go today.
Jesus loves you, He died for you, while you were a sinner, He forgave you. Take that step and forgive all who trespasses against you so that you also can be forgiven.
Prayer: Oh God my father, take away my bitterness and give me your peace, in Jesus name Amen!!

Have a sunshine day.
Shalom and be blessed.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

God's Has a Plan for you!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Beloved children of GOD, good afternoon to you. Today i bring to you a message of HOPE. 
As we walk in the path of life, we encounter different experiences of discouragements, disgrace, shame, defeat and the list goes on. As human beings we hate these situations which brings us down to our lowest point. We hate situations which brings us to the valley, we only love to be at the mountain top of our lives.
Today God is reminding us that HE have good thoughts/plans that HE thinks about us, thoughts of peace and not evil to give us an expected end (hope for the future).
Beloved, what else do we want GOD to tell us? What do you want God to do for you? What is that important thing that you desire? There is nothing that is impossible to our father God,  He is has a road map for our lives, He has a timetable for our destiny, He has a plan for our future. If only we will walk in His promises.
Let us decide today to surrender our lives to our father GOD, so that we can walk in His promises.
Prayer: Oh God my father, i surrender my life to you, so that i can enjoy the plans you have for my destiny.
May God bless you all as you continue to serve HIM,  Amen!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of GOD!!

Mathew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Praise the Lord my dears brothers and sisters, I believe you are all doing well by the grace of God.  Greetings from the Genesis of Hope. 

Today let us remind ourselves on the Agenda of GOD! What is that which touches GOD the most? What is the priority of GOD? What is the purpose of GOD for our existence in this world?
My brothers and sisters we all have our needs, problems, issues that concerns us the most, BUT our loving father GOD also has a problem. The problem of God is bigger than our own because His main concern is the salvation of mankind. His main problem is mine and your corporation in winning the lost souls for Christ. 
And according to Mathew 6:33, God has promised to bless us with our need, IF and only IF we will seek HIS Kingdom first, whatever concerns you will be given to you, be it job, a child, education, marriage, financial breakthrough, anything and everything will be added unto you, BUT IF you will seek first the Kingdom of GOD. This scripture has a condition and a promise, Therefore my dear brothers and sisters, lets us not waste more time meditating on our problems, complaining and murmuring, crying and cursing. Some problems only needs your commitment in the Kingdom of GOD.
 Mark 16:15-16, And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 
This is a great commission to every Christian not just pastors, bishops, evangelists etc. This commission is for us all, wherever you are, you can share the Good News, plant a seed and that way you will be a solution to GOD's problem. Our father GOD can not come down from heaven and start preaching, but you and I are His vessels to be used for this purpose.
Are you ready to be used by GOD? Are ready to start your journey to your divine destiny? Are you living inline with the purpose of GOD for your life? If not start today.
Prayer: Oh God my father, I am your vessel and I am ready to be used to preach your word, use me God, in Jesus name, Amen!!
And the peace, love and grace of GOD be with us now and forever