Friday, February 22, 2013
“Then you shall rise from the AMBUSH and seize the city, for the Lord your God will deliver it into your hand.” Joshua 8:7. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! We cannot expect to have victory over d enemy by running away; we must lay ambush for them.
Ambush is a military strategy which means to lurk, or to lie in wait in a concealed position with d purpose of attacking an enemy by surprise or to attack to a point when temporarily undefended.
Beloved, every believer who wants to experience victory in spiritual warfare must learn d ropes & understand what it takes to defeat d enemy on all fronts. We are commanded to fight & not to evade d conflict. Israel had been defeated, but now God instructed them to set up an ambush. It’s time to launch a counter-attack! It’s time to draw d enemy out of their hiding places, encircle, & attack them on every side. God has promised to give us victory! What is yo Ai? Weeping & complaining won’t change yo situation. Ambush them & utterly destroy their power. How? By praying more! Confessing d Word more! An increasing Faith! Fasting more often! Praise & Worship! Obedience! Sharing d Gospel more! Forgiving more! Attending services more! Giving to d Lord! Pressing forward & not giving up! There is nothing greater than having God committed to always be present to fight against our enemy; He has never lost a battle! Yo victory is guaranteed! “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.” Deuteronomy 28:7. Prayer: Lord Jesus, d battles rage. I thank U for Yo promises to fight for me. I rest in Yo presence, Amen.
Hav a Testimony Tuesday!
U r a victor! Shalom.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Midnight prayer, The secret of Success in Life.
“So Joshua arose, and all the people of war, to go up against Ai; and Joshua chose thirty thousand mighty men of valor and sent them away by night.” Joshua 8:3. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! To have power over d forces of darkness, we must be alert & active at d night hours.
The night hours are d time of intense darkness & demonic activities. If we can rise up to pray, meditate on His Word, & worship God at night, we‘ll be much closer to our breakthroughs. In other words, d night time is a period of total victory.
Beloved, there are some mountains that cannot be removed unless we pray at night; there are problems that would prove insurmountable unless u forms d habit of praying at night. God did almost everything important at midnight. The secrets of Jesus impactful ministry was d all night prayer. There are levels u can never attain in d spirit without mastering d art of praying in d midnight. Are u not tired of asking others to pray for u without getting result when u can wake up & be a prayer warrior too? Are u not tired of all d nightly nightmares & attacks? There are lots of activities taken place in d spiritual realm, and believers also must be active participants. Praying for one hour at night has great effects on d operations of d dark kingdom, much more all night prayer. U must wake up to render evil arrows, enchantments, curses & incantations against u arrows, ineffective. Reduce yo sleep! Make up yo mind that nothing will interfere with yo nightly appointment with God. Repent of yo sins! Receive d Baptism of d Holy Spirit! Be determined. Give d devil a technical knockout by praying at night. Yo victory is guaranteed! “And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” Luke 6:12. Prayer: I shall excel in d midnight battle, in Jesus name. Hav a Triumphant Tuesday!
U r unstoppable!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Your Turning Point
“.. . . Therefore the name of that place has been called the Valley of Achor to this day.” Joshua 7:26. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! God is not limited by yo circumstances; He’s only limited by yo unbelief.
The Valley of Achor means “trouble, or disaster,” It is not a place anyone would want to be - a hot, dry, desert location. It was a place of shame, death, loneliness & emptiness. Years later, however, it’s given a new meaning-a door of hope-Hosea 2:15.
Beloved, have u ever had a time in yo life where u felt surrounded by struggle, pain, & loneliness? Get ready for yo turnaround! Joseph went from d pit to d palace, from d prison to a prince. There is a time appointed for yo release. It is now! No matter what u are facing, rest assured, when u can’t, God can. Until God stepped in, Hannah was still barren, & Lazarus was still in d grave. Where once there was defeat God gives victory, where once there was disaster He gives new hope. He is ready to bring u out of yo dead situation & put life back where things were dead! It doesn't matter how long; d power of God is still able to turn it around. He’s done it before & God can do it with u. The news of yo victory will go round. Those who have abandoned u will struggle to associate with u. Those who refuse to identify with u bcos of yo trials will broadcast yo breakthrough. Have faith in God! Keep praying! Keep sowing into d things of God! Be determined! Praise Him like Paul & Silas! Believe His Word -Words have power. Speak d word! Prophesy d word! Declare d Word! Yo situation awaits instruction, If u fail to give order, it will remain like that. If u can speak, yo situation will be sorted. It’s not over for u! Have u met Jesus? “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5. Prayer: Lord Jesus, arise by Yo Power, & turns my situations around, Amen.
Hav a Fruitful Friday!
U r blessed!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Hell is Real
“Then all Israel stoned him, and after they had stoned the rest, they BURNED them.” Joshua 7:25b. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! Death by fire is a horrible, awful, & painful way to die!
Some have said, "How can a just, loving God send anyone to hell?" God gave man a choice to do right or wrong, go to heaven or hell. The choice is ours. God gets no pleasure from people being lost eternally & He sends no one to hell.
Beloved, God has given us all d freedom of choice, and what we choose in this life will determined our destiny. The Lake of fire is d destiny of those whose names are not written in d book of life. Hell was designed for Satan & his demons, not people. God loves u so much that Jesus died so u wouldn’t spend eternity in hell. Therefore, if u choose to go to Hell instead of coming to Jesus, u choose to go to a place where u are not even wanted. Sin brought sudden death to Achan & his family, and finally, they were burned. Friend, if u missed Heaven u will cry! Hell is a place full of memory, & remorse; it is a place of wailing, suffering, torment & darkness. A place of unquenchable fire, thirst & unanswered prayer! The tragedy is that many will spend all of their eternity in Hell! Whatever it is in life that would prevent u from being saved is not worth going to Hell over! Whether it is a relationship, a pet sin, family, friends, pride or whatever it is must be cut out of yo life so that u can get to God! When we repent of our sins and come to Jesus, He forgives us & cancels our reservation in hell, and makes a new reservation for us in heaven. Come to Jesus today! Are u saved, be motivated to reach out to & pray for lost people. Heaven is as wonderful as hell is so terrible. Where will u spend yo Eternity? "If anyone's name was not found within the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." Rev. 20:15. Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me d grace to finish my journey here on earth & to make Heaven, Amen.
Hav a Triumphant Thursday!
Jesus loves u!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
'The sins of the Fathers'
“Then all Israel stoned him, and after they had stoned the rest, they burned THEM.” Joshua 7:25b. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! Every new generation has d capacity in Christ to break d cycle of generational sin.
There is something called d law of d generational harvest-it says that u will reap what u sow. It also says that others will also reap what u sow, especially yo children & grandchildren, yo family & immediate descendants.
Beloved, u can pass down either a curse or a blessing, to yo children, grand-children, and great-grand-children. Abraham passed down d sin of lying to Isaac, who passed it on to his deceiving son Jacob. Jonathan was a righteous child who died as a result of Saul’s sin. Achan sinned & his family paid with their lives. It is recorded that d disasters that has befallen d Kennedy family was a result of d sins of one of d grandfathers. Sin always has consequences. Sinful behavioral patterns can be passed on through d generations such as: divorce, addictions, sexual sins, emotional disorders, depression, bitterness, negativity, prejudice, poverty, failure, health problems & worry. Yet, there is still hope. Take yo sin, guilt & yo failures to Jesus. Thru Christ we can overcome d effects of generational sin. Confess yo sins to God, & also d sins of yo fathers. Pray and set d example of righteousness for yo children d best way u can. Teach them from God’s word, u will be laying a solid foundation for d rest of their lives. U can’t go back & change d past, but u can ask God to help u make right choices in d present. “Do not hold against us the sins of the fathers; may your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need.” Psalm 79:8. Prayer: Thank u Jesus for forgiven my sins! Deliver me today from d consequences of generational sins, Amen.
There is something called d law of d generational harvest-it says that u will reap what u sow. It also says that others will also reap what u sow, especially yo children & grandchildren, yo family & immediate descendants.
Beloved, u can pass down either a curse or a blessing, to yo children, grand-children, and great-grand-children. Abraham passed down d sin of lying to Isaac, who passed it on to his deceiving son Jacob. Jonathan was a righteous child who died as a result of Saul’s sin. Achan sinned & his family paid with their lives. It is recorded that d disasters that has befallen d Kennedy family was a result of d sins of one of d grandfathers. Sin always has consequences. Sinful behavioral patterns can be passed on through d generations such as: divorce, addictions, sexual sins, emotional disorders, depression, bitterness, negativity, prejudice, poverty, failure, health problems & worry. Yet, there is still hope. Take yo sin, guilt & yo failures to Jesus. Thru Christ we can overcome d effects of generational sin. Confess yo sins to God, & also d sins of yo fathers. Pray and set d example of righteousness for yo children d best way u can. Teach them from God’s word, u will be laying a solid foundation for d rest of their lives. U can’t go back & change d past, but u can ask God to help u make right choices in d present. “Do not hold against us the sins of the fathers; may your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need.” Psalm 79:8. Prayer: Thank u Jesus for forgiven my sins! Deliver me today from d consequences of generational sins, Amen.
Hav a Refreshing
U r d Best!
U r d Best!
“Joshua said, “Why have you brought this TROUBLE on us? The Lord will bring trouble on you today.” Joshua 7:25a. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! Who a person is can be defined by their name.
A study of Bible names often reveals much about d personality of those people- Abraham means “Father of a multitude.” Jacob means “Trickster.” Jabez means “Sorrow.” Achan means “One who Trouble.” The name u bear will shape yo destiny
Beloved, whether or not we realize it, our names carry a great deal of meaning. It can determine yo success or failures in life. There is a link between yo name & yo problem. Is there any relationship between yo behavior & yo name? Have they turned out to reflect d life u’ve lived? Yo name can release or divert d blessings of God. Parents often gave children names that described d parent’s hopes & future expectations. However, there is a spirit behind every name. Names influence d lives & destinies of people. An evil name would bring an evil manifestation into one’s life. When an evil name is in place: there will be constant night feeding & dream harassment; regular disappointments; unending trials; one’s progress will be slowed down; denial of rightful benefit; unexplainable hatred & rejection; lack of direction & focus in life; and, inability to fulfill one’s destiny. There are many who are in d valley of frustration today as a result of their names. Do u know d meaning of yo names? Does yo name honor God or idol? God had to changed some people names to enable them fulfill their destinies-Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, e.t.c. Today, desire a new life! Know d meaning of yo names. Call unto Jesus today, He is able to deliver u from d evil names. “He said, "Your name will no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have fought with God and with men, and have prevailed." Gen. 32:28. Prayer: Lord Jesus, reveal to me how my names is affecting my life & deliver me, Amen.
Hav a Testimony Tuesday!
U r d Best!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Fighting Temptations.
Temptations come to us all on a daily basis - it may be food, sex, money, pride, or anything. We all have our weaknesses, but d Bible tells us that there is no temptation that we cannot resist with God's help.
Beloved, some of d biggest battles u will deal with in life involve overcoming temptation. Graveyards & prisons are filled with people who were too proud to run away from temptations. God has a specific goal & purpose for us. He has called us to a life of victory, don't let anything stand in yo way! Satan’s intention is to cause us to deviate from that destiny &, in so doing, to frustrate d purpose of God. Anything that has d power to lure u away or distracted from that purpose is temptation. It is different from a trial. A temptation is an inducement to commit some evil or disobey God, while a trial is simply a time of difficulty in a person's life. Satan wants to use both to destroy us. But d Lord allows temptation & trial to strengthen our faith & teach us to depend on Him. Every sin begins as a desire; d desire is d thought. The longer u thinks about it, d more likely u will move toward fulfilling yo desire. Be prepared for it. Avoid places, people, & things that tempts. Be careful what u see, touch, hear, smell or taste. Ask d Lord to give u discernment. Resist with d Word of truth. Repent quickly when u fail. Run away from temptation."Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Matthew 26:41. Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me d strength to flee temptation and run straight into Yo arms, Amen.
Hav a Fruitful Monday!
U r unstoppable! Shalom.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Power to start afresh.
“Now Joshua said to Achan, “My son, I beg you, give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession to Him, and tell me now what you have done; do not hide it from me.” Joshua 7:19. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! God is merciful bcos He loves u and wants to give u a fresh start.
When we sin, we experience guilt, shame, and depression. But when we come to Jesus and confess our sins, we experience cleansing, joy & healing! And God is glorified when we humble ourselves in His presence.
Beloved, there are four essential steps in our relationship with God: confession; repentance; faith; and, obedience. God created us for fellowship. But sometimes, d clay gets marred in d hands of d Potter-Jer. 18. Our past is often full of mistakes & burdens: things we did wrong, embarrassing times we desperately want to forget, hurtful things that others have done to us, too. Still, He has a plan for us. Every year, we try to make resolutions that are never kept. We can’t do it on our own. We need God to help us. Have u ever wished u could go back and start all over again in yo relationship with God? He is given us power to start afresh with Him today. Never throw yo life away over a flaw, a mistake, or a sin. God can reshape u, heal u and put u back together again. What must we do to start afresh? Stop looking back at d past. Focus on yo present. Today is a gift to erase all d ugly memories of yesterday. Learn from yesterday’s mistakes. Keep company with d right people. Refuse to concentrate on d guilt & fear of d past. Have an encounter with Jesus. Repent & confess all sins. Yo confession must be specific and d repentance must be total. Repentance is to be a continuing part of our life! Deal with pride. Be a student of d Word & Prayer. Believe God for a new beginning & look up to d better future God has for u. “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” Proverbs 28:13. Prayer: Father, forgive me for all my sins; empower me by Yo Grace to start afresh today, Amen.
Hav a Fruitful Friday!
U r God’s best!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Achan in the camp

“Then he brought his household man by man, and ACHAN the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was taken.” Joshua 7:18. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! Until u recognize & deal with d enemy within, it will be impossible to have power over d external enemy.
Many are ready to pray, fast, give sacrificially, &, work for God, but are equally determined not to give up certain characters flaws. God cannot dwell in d midst of sin. In fact, He will withdraw Himself from d presence of His people as long as they continue to operate in it.
Beloved, could we be d one holding back d great blessings, healings, and deliverance of God for our lives, family & generation? The Word of God always works and if something is not working in our lives, there is a reason for it. As long as we would obey d Lord there would be nothing that could stop us from taking possession of all that God said we could have. The only thing that could stop us would be ourselves. Samson refused to deal with his lust, and it became his downfall! What is that secret sin causing us, our people, & our church from experiencing victory? Would we harden our hearts and refuse to repent? Achan stopped d blessing of God from not only flowing out into his life, his family, but also from flowing out into d children of Israel. How do u know when d enemy is inside: anger; unforgiveness; pride; stealing; failing to control yo appetites; worry, lust; doubt & anxiety; bitterness; when d flesh is in control of yo life; Hatred; secret sin; fear; disobedience, e.t.c. Sin separates us from God and if it separates us from God then it separates us from His blessings. Today, if u will turn away from yo sin & come to Jesus, He will do a miracle. What is d Achan in yo life? Get rid of d sin by confessing it. Get rid of d enemy within and d enemy without cannot hurt us. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. Prayer: Arrows of iniquity & secret sin in my life, melt away by d Blood of Jesus.
Hav a Testimony Thursday!
U r Blessed! Shalom.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
What Legacy are you leaving behind?
“Then he brought his household man by man, and ACHAN the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was taken.” Joshua 7:18. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! How u live yo life here on earth will determine how u are remembered when u are gone.
Achan brought shame to his family, his tribe & his nation. All of his children, his wife and everything he owned were destroyed bcos of his greedy character. Years from now, when someone mentions yo name, what memories will be invoked?
Beloved, yo character will continue to speak for good or evil after yo life on earth has ended. What pictures come to mind when u think of Achan, Ananias & Sapphira, Gehazi, and Lot’s wife? God has given us d freedom of choice, but we must live by d consequences of our decisions in life. The decisions u make today contributes to d kind of legacy u are leaving behind. How will those u know and love say u’ve influenced their lives? We live in a day when many people would rather have silver & gold than a good name. Yo reputation is what u try to live up to; while Character is what u are. Reputation is what precedes u; Character is what remains when u’re gone. Reputation is made in a moment; Character is built in a lifetime. Reputation is what men say about u at your funeral; Character is what is said about u before d throne of God.
Achan brought shame to his family, his tribe & his nation. All of his children, his wife and everything he owned were destroyed bcos of his greedy character. Years from now, when someone mentions yo name, what memories will be invoked?
Beloved, yo character will continue to speak for good or evil after yo life on earth has ended. What pictures come to mind when u think of Achan, Ananias & Sapphira, Gehazi, and Lot’s wife? God has given us d freedom of choice, but we must live by d consequences of our decisions in life. The decisions u make today contributes to d kind of legacy u are leaving behind. How will those u know and love say u’ve influenced their lives? We live in a day when many people would rather have silver & gold than a good name. Yo reputation is what u try to live up to; while Character is what u are. Reputation is what precedes u; Character is what remains when u’re gone. Reputation is made in a moment; Character is built in a lifetime. Reputation is what men say about u at your funeral; Character is what is said about u before d throne of God.
Reputation is what men think u are. Character is what God knows u to be. How will yo relatives, friends, neighbors, & tribe, remembered u when u are gone? Friend, live for Jesus today. Be a student of His Word and faithful in yo prayer life. Remain pure & holy. Guard yo heart & mind against sin. Life itself is short, but our legacy lasts for eternity! What u do in this life will echo in eternity! “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” Pr. 22:1. Prayer: O Lord, Help me to build a lasting legacy that is worth being remembered, a legacy that directs those who come after me to follow You. Amen.
Hav a Wonderful Wednesday!
U r d best!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Are you stealing from God?
“…There is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you.” Joshua 7:13b. We take ourselves out from under God’s protection when we chose to disobey Him.
The word accursed means to be under a curse, ill-fated, doomed for something bad. U cannot attack d enemy successfully when u are withholding what God asks u to let go.
Beloved, how do we expect to win d battles of life when we have deliberately stolen from God-Mal. 3:8-12? Many Christian are aware of God’s instructions concerning first fruits, tithes, seeds, e.t.c & yet we continue to disobey Him. There are some things that we cannot touch, take, participate in, or be around. There are some things that must be separated and given as d Lord’s if we are willing to be victorious in life. Are u mixing d things of God with yo own? Are u eating His tithes, are u denying Him of His first fruit, or His offerings? Are u burying yo time, gifts & talents? All that we have in our possession belongs to God. Is it possible that some of our struggles are caused by refusal to do things God’s way? Are u addicted to worldly music & entertainment that glorifies sex, drugs & living for d devil? Is there any image, artifact, souvenir, e.t.c that doesn’t glorify God in yo home? Bringing an accursed thing into yo home will bring a curse. Search yo homes to find d things that could bring a curse to u, family and home. Be obedient! Come clean. Admit yo sin & make restitution. Look to Him for victory again. “But if you carefully obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.” Exod. 23:22. Prayer: O Lord, I repent from everything that I have done to aid d enemy, Amen.
Hav a Blessed Tuesday!
U r unstoppable!
Monday, February 4, 2013
You Can Recover From a Fall
GET UP, sanctify the people, and say, ‘Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, because thus says the Lord God of Israel:” Joshua 7:13a. The Oasis of Hope Devotional for 2day! Disappointment is painful, but it does not mean that we are failures!
Watch a little baby learning to walk. He falls over many times, but every time he gets up, with a smile on his face, & off he goes again. Falling is part of life. But we are not meant to stay down. We were born to get up again!
Beloved, u just need a hand to lift u up to a new life, new hope, new beginning, and new meaning. U need to reach out and take d hand of Jesus and let Him lift u up. Jesus wants to bring u out of that situation u are in. He knows yo strengths and yo weaknesses. So u have been misunderstood? So yo dreams are shattered? So u have been rejected & disappointed? So u have been betrayed by loved ones? So u have fallen into that habitual sin again? But, u don’t have to stay down, and continue... feeling like a failure and a victim! God has promised that when we fall, we will rise again. Get up, get going, keep at it, never quit & never relent. If u stay down u may begin to feel sorry for yoself. Then, self-pity grows & getting back up become even more difficult. God has never given up on u and He never will! Has d devil caused u to lose yo song of victory? U’ve got to wipe yo tears, & trust God to give u a new song today! Watch what u say. Speak d Word of God & not of discouragement. Think positive. If we are not careful negative thoughts can destroy our lives! Don’t blame God! Never be afraid to try something new. Have u met Jesus? He is just a prayer away! “Thus saith the Lord, Shall they fall, and not arise? Shall he turn away and not return?” Jeremiah 8:4. Prayer: Lord, I thank u that u are d lifter up of my head, and u are my deliverer when I fall.
U are an overcomer!
Watch a little baby learning to walk. He falls over many times, but every time he gets up, with a smile on his face, & off he goes again. Falling is part of life. But we are not meant to stay down. We were born to get up again!
Beloved, u just need a hand to lift u up to a new life, new hope, new beginning, and new meaning. U need to reach out and take d hand of Jesus and let Him lift u up. Jesus wants to bring u out of that situation u are in. He knows yo strengths and yo weaknesses. So u have been misunderstood? So yo dreams are shattered? So u have been rejected & disappointed? So u have been betrayed by loved ones? So u have fallen into that habitual sin again? But, u don’t have to stay down, and continue... feeling like a failure and a victim! God has promised that when we fall, we will rise again. Get up, get going, keep at it, never quit & never relent. If u stay down u may begin to feel sorry for yoself. Then, self-pity grows & getting back up become even more difficult. God has never given up on u and He never will! Has d devil caused u to lose yo song of victory? U’ve got to wipe yo tears, & trust God to give u a new song today! Watch what u say. Speak d Word of God & not of discouragement. Think positive. If we are not careful negative thoughts can destroy our lives! Don’t blame God! Never be afraid to try something new. Have u met Jesus? He is just a prayer away! “Thus saith the Lord, Shall they fall, and not arise? Shall he turn away and not return?” Jeremiah 8:4. Prayer: Lord, I thank u that u are d lifter up of my head, and u are my deliverer when I fall.
U are an overcomer!
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